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Heating Services

The top 10 Common Heating Issues and How to Troubleshoot Them

As the winter season approaches and temperatures start to drop, keeping your home warm becomes a top priority. A fully functioning heating system is very important to keep you and your family warm and comfortable during the winter. However just like any other mechanical system heating systems are prone to issues and malfunction which might lead to unexpected and unnecessary problems. 

Here are the top 10 most common heating issues and how to troubleshoot them: 

  1. No heat: If your heating system fails to generate any heat, there might be several reasons for it. First, check the thermostat to ensure it is working properly and is set to “heat” and the temperature is set to a comfortable level. Secondly, check if the furnace is switched on and working properly. In case these basic checks do not help you to fix the problem, your heating systems might be facing a much more severe issue such as a malfunctioning thermostat, tripped circuit breaker or a faulty pilot light. Under such circumstances it is best advisable to call a professional HVAC technician to inspect and fix the problem. 

  2. Blower runs continuously: If your blower continues to run even after the heating cycle comes to an end, a fault limit switch can be the one to blame. This switch is responsible for turning the blower on and off at the right temperature. It is due to  the switch malfunctioning that the blower keeps on running continuously. If not fixed on time, this issue can cause an unnecessary increase in your energy bills and hence it is recommended to contact a professional HVAC technician to fix the issue. 

  3. Insufficient heat: If your heating system tends to generate insufficient heat, it can be due to several reasons such as dirty or a clogged air filter. Check if the pathway for the air filter is not obstructed by dust particles to ensure a clear and proper warm air circulation. Secondly, check if the air vents are properly open and face no obstructions. If none of these issues tend to resolve your problem, the furnace or the ductwork can be the main culprit. Call up a professional immediately to diagnose the issue and fix it at the earliest. 

  4. Uneven heating: If you find out that certain areas of your home are warmer or cooler than the others, this is a sign of uneven heating. This can be due to an issue with your ductwork or your thermostat. Ensure that your thermostat is working properly and is not located near a heat source. In case this does not fix the issue, it is advisable to check the ductwork for leaks, blockages or insulation issues.

  5. Strange noises: If you come across strange noises such as rattling, screeching or banging from your heating systems, it’s likely that this issue requires immediate attention. Loose parts, worn-out belts, and bearings can all cause all such strange noises. Additionally, dirty burners or airflow issues can also be a strong reason for these  noises. If you hear unusual sounds coming from your heating systems, contact a professional HVAC technician to inspect and repair the issue as soon as possible. 

  6. Pilot light goes out:  In case your pilot light keeps on going on, a dirty/faulty thermocouple can be the one to be blamed. The thermocouple is responsible for monitoring the pilot light and turning off the gas supply if it goes out. If the thermocouple tends to be either dirty or faulty, it can cause the pilot light to go off repeatedly. Contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and repair the problem.

  7. Furnace turns on and off frequently: If your furnace cycles on and off on a repeated basis, this could either be due to a dirty air filter or an issue with the thermostat. A dirty air filter can restrict the overall airflow, causing your furnace to overheat and switch  off. Additionally, a faulty thermostat can cause your furnace to cycle on and off on a repeated basis. Firstly, you must replace the air filter and reset your thermostat. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, call a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and repair the problem.

  8. Ignition problems: If your heating system’s ignition is malfunctioning, your furnace would not be able to generate heat properly. If you notice that your furnace is not igniting properly or that the flame is not consistent, the issue could be due to a faulty ignition system. Contact a professional HVAC technician at the earliest, to inspect and repair the issue.

  9. Dirty burners: If your heating system is not generating enough heat or producing a yellow flame instead of blue one, the issue could be due to dirty burners. Dirt and debris can build up on the burners and cause them to malfunction. If you find your burners to be dirty and not working properly, contact a professional HVAC technician to clean and inspect them.


  10. High energy bills: If your energy bills have increased slightly or drastically without any significant changes to your energy usage patterns, it could be due to an inefficient heating system. Issues such as a dirty air filter, leaky ductwork, or a faulty thermostat can all cause your heating system to work harder than necessary, which can then lead  to higher energy bills. Contact a professional HVAC technician to inspect and repair any issues with your heating system.

To avoid such problems, it is  important to inspect and maintain your heating system on a regular basis to prevent them from occurring. However, if you experience any of these problems, it’s best to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and repair the issue to avoid further damage and ensure your home stays warm and comfortable during the colder months.


In case you need any further help or assistance you can head over to the services provided section in LocalXR.com or contact us at 888-808-2897. LocalXR is the easiest way to find and get connected to top local service professionals over the phone and to get free quotes for you to compare and decide. We at LocalXR  connect instantly with nearest local service professionals for all your needs.

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